List of Annual Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships for International Students

Bristol University Think Big Scholarships

University of Bristol
Bachelors/Masters Degree

Deadline: 26 Feb/29 April 2024 (annual)
Study in: UK
Course starts  September 2024

Uppsala University Global Scholarships

Uppsala University
Masters Degree

Deadline: 15/22 Jan 2024 (annual)
Study in: Sweden
Course starts August 2024

Ampère Excellence Scholarships for International Students

ENS de Lyon
Masters Degree

Deadline: 17 Jan 2024 (annual)
Study in: France
Course starts September 2024

University of Oulu International Scholarships

University of Oulu
Bachelor’s/Masters Degree

Deadline: 17 Jan 2024 (Annual)
Study in: Finland
Course starts Autumn 2024

UWE Chancellor’s Scholarships for International Students

University of West England
Masters Degree

Deadline: 30 April 2024 (annual)
Study in: London, UK
Course starts Sep 2024

Top 25 Scholarships in Sweden for International Students


Up until 2010,  Sweden has been one of the few countries in Europe where you can study for free. The Swedish Government has then passed a law that charges tuition and application fees for students from non-EU/EEA countries to be supplemented by Swedish Scholarship Programs. A significant number of Swedish Universities still offer scholarships in the form of tuition waivers for international students.

Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships Programme at KU Leuven

K.U. Leuven
PhD Degree

Deadline: 22 Feb 2024 (annual)
Study in: Belgium
Course starts October 2024

Linnaeus University Scholarships

Linnaeus University/Swedish government
Masters Degree

Deadline: 15 Jan/12 Feb 2024 (Annual)
Study in: Sweden
Course starts Aug 2024

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme for International Students

Hong Kong RGC
Doctoral (PhD) Degree

Deadline: 1 Dec 2023 (annual)
Study in:  Hong Kong, China
Course starts  September 2024

VLIR-UOS Masters Scholarships (ICP Connect) in Belgium

Masters Degree

Deadline: 1/28 Feb 2024 (annual)
Study in:  Belgium
Course starts 2024

Danish State Scholarships at Aarhaus University

Danish government
Masters Degree

Deadline: 15 Jan 2024 (Annual)
Study in: Denmark
Course starts Sep 2024